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Generators Python

Python Generators

When a lot of data is present and you cannot load it into the memory at once

Or if a function needs to maintain an internal state everytime it's called


yield is used in conjunction with generators

Generators are functions

They return lazy iterators. 

lazy evaluation, or call-by-need, is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed (non-strict evaluation) and which also avoids repeated evaluations (sharing).  The sharing can reduce the running time of certain functions by an exponential factor over other non-strict evaluation strategies, such as call-by-name, which repeatedly evaluate the same function, blindly, regardless whether the function can be memoized.

Iterators are objects that you can loop over like a list

But unlike lists, lazy iterators do not store their contents in memory.

iter() can check if an object is iterable for example objects like, string, list, tuple, dict, set, and frozenset  are iterable, an int is not iterable

so if you do iter(x) where x is an int it will return an error, x can be string, list, tuple, dict, set, and frozenset, open files in Python are iterable

itr = iter(['apple'])

Python next()

Syntax: next(iterator, default) :: default is optional - this value is returned if the iterator is exhausted (there is no next item)

next(iter([1, 3, 4, 2]))

we can also pass a a generator to next

next(genfun) # as genfun returns an iterator using yield 

Python iterator:

if an object can be iterated you can create an iterator in python using iter()

Generally we do not do this, instead we can use a generator instance which returns an iterator


x = ['apple', 'cat', 'boy', 'dog']

itr = iter(x) # converts list to iterator

print(next(itr)) #prints apple

print(next(itr)) #prints cat

print(next(itr)) #prints boy

print(next(itr)) #prints dog

print(next(itr)) #error - because iterator has exhausted

print(next(itr, 'Iter has exhausted')) #prints Iter has exhausted as we supplied a default value to return when iter is exhausted

so if you want something to loop continuously like over batch

first generate an iter for batch

then when the iter is exhausted make another batch

Back to Generators:

Generators are functions;

Generators is different from a normal function in following ways:

- Generators contain one or more yield

- when called it does not start execution but returns an iterator

- already has iter() and next() implemented

- [important] "once a function yields function is paused and control is transferred to the caller"

- [important] "local variables and their states are remembered between successive calls"

- when the function terminates, StopIteration is raised automatically on further calls

so the return point is yield -

the value of yield is returned and generator's state is paused at that point when the generator is called again, it will continue execution from there 

some examples of generators:

def generator1():

x = 1

yield x # <-- resumes from here on second call


yield x # <-- resumes from here on third call


yield x # <-- resumes from here on fourth call - but since generator instance has ended it will return error

# an instance of this generator can be called upto three times as it has 3 yields after that it will return an error - 'StopIteration'

# but you can have multiple instances 

# For example gen1 = generator1(), gen2 = generator2()

# gen1 can be called 3 times, gen2 can be called 3 times

# a generator instance's return value is generally obtained using next

gen1 = generator1()

print(next(gen1)) #prints 1

print(next(gen1)) #prints 2

print(next(gen1)) #prints 3

print(next(gen1)) #error - 'StopIteration'

#but you can create another instance and iterate again

gen1 = generator1()

print(next(gen1)) #prints 1

print(next(gen1)) #prints 2

print(next(gen1)) #prints 3

gen1 = generator1()

print(next(gen1)) #prints 1

print(next(gen1)) #prints 2

print(next(gen1)) #prints 3

you can use yield inside a for statement as well

def generator1():

for i in range(5):

yield i

# an instance of this generator can be called upto 5 times

gen1 = generator1()

print(next(gen1)) #prints 0

print(next(gen1)) #prints 1

print(next(gen1)) #prints 2

print(next(gen1)) #prints 3

print(next(gen1)) #prints 4

print(next(gen1)) #error - 'StopIteration'

def generator1():

for i in range(5):

yield i

# an instance of this generator can be called upto 5 times

gen1 = generator1()

for x in gen1:

    print(x) # this will automatically close when StopIteration is encountered