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Implement Neural Network

Implementing Neural Network

All the features of input are weighted to obtain one output, if we want more outputs we need to increase weight accordingly, so if we have D features (as row/width) in input number of weights will be D (the column/height of Weight Matrix if the implementation is considered). If we want more outputs we need to add more columns. File

Depending on where you keep your input or structure it, output weight matrix dimension or structure becomes accordingly.
There are two cases:

Case 1: Y = X * W [This is the case the above figure considers]
Where each row of X is a single data and thus number of columns of X denotes the number of input features.
Size of Weight Matrix = Feature Length of Input x Feature Length of Output
W = Input x Output
So in the output i.e. Y, each row is a single data, and number of output features = number of columns.

Case 2: Y = W * X []
Where each column of X is a single data and thus number of rows of X denotes the number of features.
Size of Weight Matrix = Feature Length of Output x Feature Length if Input
W = Output x Input
So in the output i.e. Y, each column is a single data, and number of output features = number of rows.

Think of Case 2 as a transpose of Case 1.
Both cases are viable.