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Principal Component Analysis

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

- Minimizes the error and maximizes the spread (variance) - finds that dimension

- Principal components are orthogonal

- PCA is like projecting data to new components

Performed by carrying out eigen-decomposition of the covariance matrix. - Mathematically

PCA is a variance-maximizing technique that projects original data onto a direction that maximizes variance.

- Performs linear mapping of original data to a lower-dimensional space such that the variance of data in the low-dimensional representation is maximized.

A covariance matrix is a square matrix giving the covariance between each pair of elements of a given random vector.


joint variability of two random variables - gives  linear relationship between variables, ranges from -infinity to +infinity


between -1 to +1



X = nxm , n=number of samples/observations, m=number of features

Covariance matrix = [XT X]
Covariance matrix size = mxm

Obtain pairs:
Eigen decomposition gives a set of eigen vectors and set of eigen pairs

[XT X] --> Decomposition --> W (eigen vectors), lambda (eigen values)

T = XW
Columns of W are called loadings = no. of columns = m
Columns of T are called scores
The columns are ordered in decreasing orders of the eigen values - first one has highest eigen value

so depending on how many dimensions you want:
T = X Wr  (r = number of principal components)